While some people enjoy pets licking them, others view extreme licking as a nuisance. This so called "unwanted display of lingual attention" or just a few polite laps is often seen as excessive. In such cases, it’s more of a human problem than the animal's. After all, it's in a dog's nature to lick. Is it possible that you can you stop a dog from licking? Dog licking is … [Read more...]
How to Stop My Dog from Peeing in the House
If you have a dog at home, you know what a nightmare it could be if they have a habit of peeing anywhere. It’s one of the most common problems we dog lovers face and I’ve been asked how I’ve dealt with my own dog’s peeing habit a number of times. It’s convinced me to put together a brief guide on exactly what you need to be doing to get your dog to stop peeing everywhere in the … [Read more...]
How to Wash Dog Toys
When it comes to dog toys that you’ve had for a while, it could boil down to either throwing them away or giving them a wash. While cleaning may be a better option for some toys, some others are made of materials and are used in ways which make them unsavable. But cleaning a toy could work very well for certain types of toys. Your dog may have an emotional connection to … [Read more...]
How to stop my dog from itching
My dog had always had an issue with itchy skin. Dryness caused him to furiously itch all the time, even at night sometimes. It was painful simply watching him like that, so compulsively itching that sometimes it felt like he would harm his own skin. I spent a lot of time wondering my my precious little pet was in such distress. Was it fleas? a medical skin problem? or simply a … [Read more...]