Corgi’s temperament and personality is friendly, playful, outgoing, protective and in many cases stubborn.
Corgis are relatively small dogs whose main work used to be animal herding and be on the lookout for any strange activity in their surroundings which is also what formed their personality over the years. In the course of herding animals, they would nip at their heels to make them move at the desired direction. Their effectiveness in herding made them gain great popularity quickly. People fell in love with Corgis and they started becoming family companions since they are very trustworthy and loyal dogs, always eager to please their master.
<< – The Complete Guide for Corgi Existing and Future Owners – > >
The Welsh Corgis come in two distinct breeds, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. In terms of temperament and personality, there are no major differences between the two.
Corgi Temperament and Barking
Corgis tend to be highly individualistic with a strong mind of their own. This particular trait should be discouraged since they tend to make their own rules or do as they please. It is a natural instinct that all herding dogs have.
Another characteristic of Corgi’s personality is their highly attentive nature. They are so attentive that they will often hear even the slightest sound. They are capable of recognizing a slight change in their normal surrounding and because of that they tend to bark a lot. As such, it is highly advisable that Corgi dogs to be trained while they are still young to drop the excessive barking. Though it might not be possible to make them completely stop barking, they should at least minimize their instinct to bark at any slight change.
Bossy and Playful
Corgi dogs have a larger than life attitude. But just like in humans, their personality varies form one dog to another. Some might be very submissive while others tend to be bossy. However, speaking on general terms, most Corgis will exhibit a large cheerful personality. They play a lot and can even appear clownish at times. What’s good with these dogs is that they are highly adaptable and receptive to training.

They live in a wide range of environments. They easily adapt to either a house or ranch or even in small apartments. Provided they get their daily exercise dose, they will maintain a cheerful spirit. A notable difference with most other dog breeds is that Corgi dogs require some mental stimulation. If the Corgi does not receive enough attention, this might affect it psychologically which may even manifest as excessive shedding apart from other illnesses which might appear at a later stage.Corgis are intelligent dogs who relish some mental challenges. They are often observed in a deep thoughtful state.
The following video by a youtube user shows in a very playful way a few things about Corgi’s personality
Corgi in Houses and Separation Anxiety
Corgis loathe being left alone for long periods of time. They get anxious and can be destructive. Others will bark a lot. When in the house, some Corgi dogs have been observed to get anxious when family members are scattered all over the house. It will tend to move people around a central place. They view the family as a flock which should always stay together. Such behavior should be discouraged since it can easily nip a heel when doing so.
Corgi Temperament and Training
When training Corgis, lots of patience will be needed since, these dogs don’t like being pushed around. They have a strong mind of their own and will prefer to do things as they like. However, with lots of patience and positive reinforcement as well as with delicious treats each time they achieve a goal, they make good students. Once a training rhythm is achieved and obedience training is done, they will respond well to new tasks. Despite the saying that old dogs can’t learn new tricks, the Corgi is an exception, you can train it throughout its lifetime.
Corgi Temperament and children
The number one fear people have with Corgis is whether they are good with children. However there is no straightforward answer to this. As indicated, individual Corgi temperament and personality will differ between different dogs. There is a belief which is sometimes justified, that Corgis are not good with children under the age of around 5 years old. Let’s look at their interaction with children more deeply.
Most Corgi dogs have a dominant, bossy personality. They will tend to do things their own way. As such, they will hate it when kids chase them around. They might also get agitated when the children do not move where the Corgi wants them due to its natural herding instinct. This might be a reason for the Corgis to bite. Kids tend to make some shrieking noises which Corgis do not like.
The best advice for people with small children is to consult a breeder in order to make a good choice of a Corgi puppy or a Corgi adult which has a good temperament and is well trained. Even when you do so, it is suggested that you do not leave your kid unsupervised with your Corgi.
If you have any doubts or you have a fear about the dog’s behavior towards children, an alternative way would be to wait till your child is old enough before acquiring a Corgi. If you already have one before your baby was born, then you should be on the lookout to avoid any problems. However, there are many cases that families have Corgis that behave great with children. Again, it heavily depends on the individual Corgi’s temperament.
Corgi and other pets
Corgi and Stray Animals
Corgis being herding and watch dogs, they are not usually very entertained by stray dogs and cats within their territory. They will chase and bark at them till they leave. However, when they live with other dogs and cats in the same house, they get used to them. It might take some time before they get used to each other which is also the reason why close supervision and correction is needed at this time. Corgis should be well socialized while still young in order to start feeling comfortable with strangers.
Corgi and Cats
Corgis and cats make very good friends after getting used to each other. You will often find them playing and chasing each other around the house. The chasing is not aggressive but rather cheerful play. Corgis are programmed to chase any moving creature while at the same time, cats enjoy a good chase.
The only time you need to be on the lookout is during meal time. Corgis don’t like sharing a bowl with any other animal. It’s advisable to keep the kitty bowl out of Corgi’s reach since they enjoy food so much that they will eat anything they find. This is also a thing which makes them susceptible to obesity.
Some breeders make deliberate attempts to make Corgis comfortable with cats by raising the puppies around cats. This makes it easier for owners since the dog is already used to living with a cat. Adult Corgis who never lived with a cat might find it pretty uncomfortable having one under the same roof. However, since Corgis are very intelligent dogs, they can always be taught to live together with the cat. Aggressiveness might be observed at first and when this happens, it might be a good idea to provide your cat with an escape route.
Corgi and Unfamiliar Dogs
Corgis can be aggressive with other dogs which are not familiar with. Even though they are small, they will fight their way out of any challenge. This might make them suffer injuries in the process. Nevertheless, they can be taught to live with other dogs peacefully.

Consult Breeders for Corgi Temperament
When looking to acquire a Corgi, consult a professional breeder and discuss with them your situation and family. This will help them advise you on the best suitable Corgi puppy or Corgi adult for you. All the temperament issues which were examined previously, should be taken into consideration in order to determine the temperament and personality of Corgi that is right for you. That being said, there are hardly any noticeable differences in temperament between male and female Corgis.