Corgis love barking. And they bark a lot. People who own these pets can easily confirm this. It’s their favorite thing to do.
Barking is in Corgis’ blood
Being herding dogs, barking comes naturally to them. They will bark at anything and everything. When used for herding, Welsh Corgis used to bark to alert the owners of any unusual activity around them. This was useful in the past since the fields were large and people couldn’t keep an eye at all the animals without the help of these dogs.
As Corgis being very intelligent and alert dogs they are able to quickly notice any change or noise and their instinct make them bark. However, when they are used as family or companion dogs, the barking trait is something most owners find irritating. If you live in an apartment, the barking can even be annoying to your neighbors. Guess nobody wants something like listening to a dog constantly barking.
Tips and tricks to stop your Corgi from barking so much
There are a few things we can do to reduce or stop your Corgi from barking. Though, I have to say that this is a hard wired trait and it will require a lot of patience on your part to make them stop.
You can also use a training collar as part of the Corgi’s training routine which has been proven to be an effective way to stop barking.
Do not expect results in just a few days. When they are still young, choose one word to speak to your dog when it barks. A word such as “stop” would be appropriate since it is a short word and it will be easily understood by your dog. Whenever it stops barking, give him a delicious treat. This will reinforce the positive behavior. Let the dog understand that he should not be barking all the time especially when he is inside the house. However, a quick word of caution here, choose carefully the treat that you give to your dog. It should be healthy since Corgis can easily gain weight and frequent treats outside meals can complicate this problem.
Another approach would be the use of a device that emits a high pitched sound that can only he heard by the dog. This sound is not pleasant to him and you should use it anytime they bark. They will slowly realize that they get to hear the sound only when they bark. Corgis are intelligent and don’t take long to understand these kind of things. Even when using this approach, praise the dog when they stop barking to reinforce this behavior.
Aggressive techniques and violence is not suggested to stop your Corgi from barking
Other strategies used by people such as debarking, spray collars, muzzling and violence towards your Corgi are not things that we would encourage. They make the dog suffer from something that comes as a natural instinct to them. Remember that your Corgi isn’t barking to annoy you, in their minds they’re actually helping you by alerting that something is amiss. That’s why they make excellent watch dogs.
Do not perform anything that is going to hurt them in any way. Reinforcing positive behavior through praise and treats is the tested and proven method. Corgis have been known to excel in obedience training and if you consistently let them know that barking is unacceptable, they will surely stop it.
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